I never thought I would write a blog. Especially not one of my own. The only consistent writing that I do is for my graduate program. After writing research papers for my program, the last thing I want to do after that is write more. But here I am. My plan for this blog is to post often. I really want to say once every month but I don't want make a commitment I can't uphold because this is a new thing. What you can find here is more about my experiences as a multi layered human being. I am a mother, grad student, entrepreneur, creative, and fashionista. I enjoy eating great food at cute restaurants, and I appreciate a delicious cocktail. I love traveling and experiencing new spaces and places. The topics that I care about deeply include parenting, education, art, mental health, and racial equity. That said, the content here could be based on any of these categories. I hope that you will join me on this new journey and then you'll stick around to read more of my words.
Well, hello.
Updated: Jan 29, 2023